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Team Henselite Pete Bonsor Pete Bonsor
"The quality is second to none and the record books show more champions use Henselite than any other brand. So, I choose Henselite to gain the advantage."
State: Spain
Birth Date: 25 January 1971
Country of Birth: England
Club: Greenlands BC, Alicante, Spain
Bowl Used: Tiger or Tiger II

Why do you use this bowl?

The bowls are great quality and very responsive to all surfaces in sunny Spain.


Career Goals:

Winning another medal at World Bowls for Spain, providing coaching in Spain to give a little back to the game.


Career Highlights:

Beating my Auntie, Jean Baker, in the club singles (only time I ever did!).  Representing Spain at World Bowls.



Bronze Medallist World Champion of Champion Singles

Bronze Medallist World Singles (Indoor) 

Four Nations Team Gold

European Championships Team & Fours Bronze Medallist


What would you do if you weren't bowling?

Spend more time with the family especially my grandchildren.

Pete Bonsor